Kidult Presents “No Gallery, No Master”

Kidult is known for his controversial graffiti art you may have seen across your favorite designer store such as Céline, Hermès, and Chanel just to name a few. The controversial graffiti artist serves as a threat to many high-end designers across the lands like those named as he is determined to break the mental slavery of purchasing a Céline bag or Chanel dress like people are marketed to believe they need it when they do not. Kidult releases his latest treatment in “No Gallery, No Master” where the visuals showcase his point of view on this so-called democracy we live in and further explains how he looks to sell and distribute his work to finance his global actions.

I will paint like a kid and tell truths like a kid without concessions because nowadays the media are only here to dictate people what they must think. -KIDULT

KIDULT Strikes Chanel Storefront in Paris


The rebellious graffiti artist and most hated by designers all over the world has struck again. This time around the victim to his monstrous works is Chanel’s storefront in Paris. Ironically while Paris is undergoing fashion week and being that the launch of Chanel’s new collections being released, which is inspired by graffiti art and spray painted bags could show that this was a strategic attack by Kidult. Do not be surprise if Kidult strikes again before fashion week is over.