Hardknock TV sits down with Pharrell Williams

The remarkable and prolific talent in Pharrell Williams sits down with Hardknock TV to touch on various people involving generally on the topic of music and creating. Of course all of you know if you haven’t heard by now that Pharrell besides Daft Punk pretty much single-handedly as a group took over the 56th Annual Grammy’s Awards Ceremony by racking in a numerous amount of Grammy Trophies followed by a great performance. The Virginia native spoke on the importance of meaningful music and how this generation is the embodiment of what our future is going to be. This generation is looking to knock down all barriers as well as going about things in an unorthodox way, which is why there is so much great music according to Pharrell’s words. Hardknock TV will be posting the second part of this interview next week, therefore stay tuned to Niche1080 because we will most certainly have that up.