Homegrown: Dom Kennedy pt. 1 | STASHED

The music industry and hip-hop has completely taken a total 360 in regards to what it is today compared to before. For most people who take their art or craft with hip-hop seriously, it frustrates them to see so many people who clearly do not deserve the spotlights gain them because of short success. Therefore many artist with a gift tend to get overshadowed unless they switch up their flow and commercialize their appearance a bit more. All of these aspects play a huge part in how the business of music is ran.

Los Angeles native Dom Kennedy has been rapping for quite some time now and it seems as though he has not had that break that many other artist have had. Dom Kennedy touches on walking the line of walking away from the music industry, but possibly will still make music which is what he loves. But during the interview you can clearly see the frustration he has about where his career currently is. Stay tuned because their will be another part coming soon.

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